Friday, April 07, 2006

A Step

Women, here's your chance to make a stink. Call you representatives and Senators and ask that they support this bill. Do you want your pharmacist denying you access to birth control?

The bill would ensure you have access to all of your prescriptions- no matter what a pharmacists particular beliefs on the issue are.

I'm most perplexed by Karen Brauer, president of the Pharmacists for Life, who told Reuters she believes doctors will begin ordering patients to abort deformed children. She was quoted as saying, "They'll force women to kill their children ... It will be like China. It's the next logical step."

The next logical step? Um... Brauer lady, I think there are more than a few illogical steps between taking a pill to prevent unwanted pregnancy and being forced to abort a wanted child.

Lordy... I'm so glad Karen Brauer is the spokesperson for the other side. She makes me laugh.


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