Monday, April 10, 2006

Leaning French

I'm always amazed by the rhetoric of Republicans. They will change the name of French Fries to Freedom Fries and poor perfectly quaffable French burgandy into the streets in juvenile attemps to rally the good ole' Americana Wearing Patriot. Yet, BushCo. is behind a guest worker program? That's so French. (a cursory study of the riots in Paris last fall should give anyone with a mind for social systems a clue why guest worker programs fail.)

Let's just go ahead and call it what it is: a caste system, a class system. No upward mobility. No American dream. Second class non-citizens. Sounds like a great idea to me.

And yesterday, half a million marched in Dallas. 1 arrest: for public intoxication. That's a great figure for the "all illegals are criminals" crowd to hang their hats on.


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