Monday, March 13, 2006

Call Your Senator... Please
If I believe in anything, I believe in our Constitution. I think our president went against the Constitution - and broke the law- by not going to the FISA court to get a warrant prior to electronically spying on hundreds, maybe thousands, of citizens without their knowledge.

Now, if you're not political or you don't much care about things such as these, here are my sticking points:
- FISA allows for warrantless surveillence for up to 72 hours, the administration thumbed their noses at this provision and decided not to go AT ALL.
- Yes, I believe we should be spying on terrorists. With a warrant. What happens if we're just monitoring whomever, Enron's Grandmas, me, you, organizations who happen to disagree with the administration?
- Not getting warrants is a dangerous precedent. What happens if it were a Democrat in office spying on Americans and saying" just trust me? " I think if we can learn anything so far- Iraq, Katrina, Medicare, hunting with Dick Cheney - the "trust me" capital is spent.
- Finally, consider anything learned from monitoring tried and true terrorists could be thrown out of court because of this policy- it is against the 4th amendment.

So please, take some time to call your Sentators and ask them to support this censure resolution. Ask them where they stand on this issue.

We're not asking for impeachment. We're asking for accountability. We're asking for some personal responsibility. We're asking for a little commitment to principle and the Consitution. That shouldn't be too much, should it? Plus, one of our freedom-loving, law-abiding Senators has a track record in protecting the Constitution. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson voted to impeach President Clinton for obstructing justice (he lied about sex acts). Shouldn't President Bush be held to the same standard?

Just do it. It's worth the 5 minutes it'll take.


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